Category: Blog

  • Benefits of the contact management software

    Contact Management Software is an online tool for managing contacts of clients, prospects, suppliers and any other business associates. It enables a company to get a complete view of customer details in a simplified manner. It includes phone numbers, email addresses, and social media profiles etc. CRM Software has an in built contact management…

  • The best Three Business Schools of USA

    1. University of Pennsylvania: Wharton It is the World’s first collegiate business school, established in 1881. It has the Largest and one of the most published business school faculty, with 250+ standing and associate members. It has 11 academic departments and 25 research centers and initiatives. It has 86,000 alumni in 145 countries around the…

  • What is Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)

    KPO or Knowledge Process Outsourcing involves outsourcing of knowledge intensive business processes to other companies or locations. Since outsourcing offers several advantages like cost savings, access to skilled resource pool and better quality, many global companies are outsourcing their knowledge based processes. KPO and BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) are closely related sectors. The major difference…

  • How to make API using Laravel Passport?

    Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, created by Taylor Otwell and is used for developing web applications. API’s are now an important part of web development. An API basically specifies how software modules should interact. It helps developers to link applications to database and for user management, social app integration, push notifications, mobile app development…

  • What is an API?

    API is acronym of “Application programming interface”. API is used for providing communication between software applications. Software Application can be anything like web application, SaaS, MBaaS, mobile app, Cloud service, database connection or notification etc. Why API? API is used for communication between software applications and can also used for internal use e.g. using API…

  • Integrate Google Contacts with CRM

    Gmail is an email service that has improved how people communicate online. Gmail offers a free web-based email service that allows users to access their mail from any device. Gmail contacts helps you stay connected with your contacts no matter where you are or what device you are using. You can access all of your…

  • The Evolving Role of Call Centers in Customer Service Excellence

    Call centers have long been a cornerstone of customer service, providing a direct and personal channel of communication between companies and their customers. However, the role of call centers has evolved significantly over time. This article explores the transformation of call centers, the impact of technology, and the importance of delivering exceptional customer experiences in…

  • The Art of Upselling: Boosting Revenue and Enhancing Customer Experience

    Maximizing revenue and providing exceptional customer experiences are key goals for any company. One effective strategy that accomplishes both is upselling. This blog post delves into the concept of upselling, its benefits, and best practices for implementing it successfully. Understanding Upselling Upselling is a sales technique aimed at persuading customers to purchase a more premium…

  • Sales Automation: Streamlining Processes for Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

    Sales automation has revolutionized the way businesses manage their sales processes, enabling organizations to streamline operations, increase productivity, and drive revenue growth. Sales automation involves the use of technology and tools like a CRM Software to automate repetitive tasks, manage customer interactions, and optimize sales workflows. This blog post explores the concept of sales automation,…

  • Data Integration: Bridging the Gap Between Information Silos

    Organizations are inundated with vast amounts of information from various sources, including databases, applications, cloud services, and IoT devices. This data comes in different formats, structures, and locations, often leading to the creation of information silos. These isolated data sets hinder seamless access to valuable insights, making it challenging for businesses to make informed decisions.…