Tag: CRM Role Management Module

  • CRM Role Management Module

    What is Role Management?

    Role management is a part of user registration system where user register in system and some roles or permission are assigned to them and he/she can access the some portion of your digital system.

    In general, role-management is about roles and its permission.

    For example, suppose you have blog system and you create some roles such as editor, user, and admin. And based on these roles some permission are assigned such as editor can only edit or post the blog and user can only view or read the blog and admin has all permission to add, update, delete, view or manage the blog. So this type of management to give or assign the permission to someone based on roles or without any roles are parts of the role management system.

    How Role management works in FinCRM?

    In FinCRM, you can register as a user and can access its all features such as web-to-lead, lead, account, contact, company, deals, products etc. By default in FinCRM these features are permitted to the user to access. But the admin has the access to give role and permission to the user.

    Set Permission/Feature for users:

    1. First, login as an admin and go to the users section.
    2. Next click on set permission button
    3. Then after, select the permission/feature for users.

    Set Role for the user:
    In FinCRM, admin has the control to give the role to the users. To set the role for user you have to do such things as:
    1. First, login as an admin and click on user module.
    2. Next, click on action button or click on edit button.
    3. Then update the user profile or set the role for the users.