Tag: CRM App API Documentation

  • CRM App API Documentation

    The REST API provides an easy-to-use set of HTTP endpoints that let you access your site’s data in simple JSON format, including users, leads, taxonomies and more. Retrieving or updating data is as simple as sending a HTTP request.

    The web services help you build applications and manage your CRM Account and the associated CRM data using CRM REST API. FinCRM APIs belongs to the REST (Representational State Transfer) category. The REST methods include: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE request.

    Request Methods Definition
    GET Fetching the data or retrieve the data
    POST Store the data
    PUT Updating the data
    DELETE Destroy Or Deleting the data

    Note: {URL}:

    Key Value
    Content-Type application/json

    User Authentication:

    1. Login User:

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/login

    Headers: key: Content-Type value: application/json
    Body Params: email, password

    1. Register User:

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/register

    Headers: key: Content-Type value: application/json
    Body Params: name, email, mobile, company, password, c_password

    Body params Data type Message
    name String Your name
    email Email Your email
    mobile Integer Your contact number
    company String Your company name
    password String Your password
    c_password String Your confirm password
    1. Logout:

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/logout


    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.

    Company: Except all companies and company details, you will need the auth_token or Authorization Header for accessing the company API’s

    1. All Companies

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/ v1/companies?sort={number}

    Headers: key: Content-Type value: application/json
    Params: key: sort , value: enter integer value such as 10, 25 etc..

    The sort params will return you a number of record you wants to lists.

    1. Company Details

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/ v1/companies/{slug}

    Headers: key: Content-Type value: application/json

    1. Add Company

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/ v1/companies

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.

    Body params:

    Body params Data type Message
    c_name String Your company name
    c_mobileNum number Your company number
    c_whatsappNum number Your whatsapp number
    c_bio String Your company bio
    c_email String Your company email
    personal_name String Your name
    category_id Integer Integer value of category
    actype_id Integer Account type id
    position String Your position in company
    c_logo image Company logo
    1. Update Company

    Method: PUT
    URL: {url}/api/ v1/companies/{slug}


    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.

    Body params:

    Body params Data type Message
    c_name String Your company name
    c_mobileNum number Your company number
    c_whatsappNum number Your whatsapp number
    c_bio String Your company bio
    c_email String Your company email
    personal_name String Your name
    category_id Integer Integer value of category
    actype_id Integer Account type id
    position String Your position in company
    c_logo image Company logo
    1. Delete Company

    Method: DELETE
    URL: {url}/api/ v1/companies/{slug}


    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.
    1. Auth User Company

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/ v1/auth/company?limit={number}


    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.

    Params: key: limit value: number (number like 5,10,50 etc…)

    This limit params will return number of companies you want to lists.


    1. Lists of products

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/products?unique=false&sort=18&featured=true
    Headers: key: Content-Type value: application/json

    Key Value Message
    unique true/false List only one product of each users.
    sort Number (10, 20) Enter number to lists the product
    Featured true/false If true will return featured product otherwise all product
    1. Product details

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/products/{slug}

    Headers: key: Content-Type value: application/json

    1. Add product

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/v1/products
    Headers: key:

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.


    Body params Data type Message
    name String Your product name
    price number Your product price
    description Text Your product description
    procat_id Int Select product category
    prosubcat_id Int Select product subcategory
    company Int Select company
    vendor String Enter vendor
    tags String Enter tags
    location String Enter location
    min_quantity Int Enter min quantity of product
    picture Image Upload file
    unit Int Enter unit of product
    1. Update product

    Method: PUT
    URL: {url}/api/v1/products/{slug}

    Headers: key:

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.


    Body params Data type Message
    name String Your product name
    price number Your product price
    description Text Your product description
    procat_id Int Select product category
    prosubcat_id Int Select product subcategory
    company Int Select company
    vendor String Enter vendor
    tags String Enter tags
    location String Enter location
    min_quantity Int Enter min quantity of product
    picture Image Upload file
    unit Int Enter unit of product
    1. Delete product

    Method: DELETE
    URL: {url}/api/v1/products/{slug}

    Headers: key:

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.
    1. Product lead store

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/v1/product/leads
    Headers: key:

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.


    Body params Data type Message
    first_name String name
    email String Email
    mobile Number Number
    pro_id Int Select product id
    notes Text description
    1. Product leads

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/product/leads?all=false
    Headers: key:

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.

    Prams: If parameter all = false it will return only product leads other all leads.


    For this lead api header will be used.

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.
    1. Auth user leads

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/leads?limit={number}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used
    Params: key: limit value: number

    1. Add lead

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/v1/leads
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used
    Params: Use this params in update lead also

    Body params Data type Message
    first_name String First name
    last_name String Last name
    email Number Email
    designation string Designation
    notes Text Description
    company Int Select company
    phone Number Enter number
    mobile Number Enter number
    picture Image Upload image
    1. Update lead

    Method: PUT
    URL: {url}/api/v1/leads/{id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used
    Params: use same params defined in add lead

    1. Delete Lead

    Method: DELETE
    URL: {url}/api/v1/leads/{id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Detail of lead

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/leads/{id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    For this contact api header will be used.

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.
    1. Auth user contacts

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/contacts
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Add contacts

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/v1/contacts
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used
    Params: use this params for store and update api

    Body params Data type Message
    first_name String First name
    last_name String Last name
    email Number Email
    ldsrc_id Integer Select lead source
    mobile Number Enter number
    picture Image Upload image
    1. Update contacts

    Method: PUT
    URL: {url}/api/v1/contacts/{id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Delete contacts

    Method: DELETE
    URL: {url}/api/v1/contacts/{id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Detail of contacts

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/contacts/{id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used


    For this deal api header will be used.

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.
    1. Auth user deal

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/deals?limit={number}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used
    Params: key: limit value: number

    1. Add deal

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/v1/deals
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used
    Params: use this params for store and update api

    Body params Data type Message
    name String First name
    ld_id Integer Select lead id
    pro_id Integer Slect product id
    sfun_id Integer Select sales funnel id
    value Number Enter value
    closing_date date date
    1. Update deal

    Method: PUT
    URL: {url}/api/v1/deals/{id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Delete deal

    Method: DELETE
    URL: {url}/api/v1/deals/{id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Detail of deal

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/deals/{id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used


    For this service api header will be used.

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.
    1. All Service

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/api-services?limit={number}&featured={true/false}

    Headers: Content-Type header is use for this

    Key Value Message
    limit number Will list the number of services
    featured true/false Will show featured services based on condition (true/false)
    1. Add Service

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/v1/api-services
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    Body params Data type Message
    title String Service name
    price Value Enter price value
    servcategory_id Int Select service category
    serv_subcategory_id Int Select service sub category
    company_id Int Select company id
    image String Upload image
    description Text Description
    brand String Brand name
    tags string tags
    1. Service Lead Store

    Method: POST
    URL: {url}/api/v1/api-services/leads
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    Body params Data type Message
    name String Service name
    mobile number Enter number
    service_id Int Select service id
    notes Text Notes
    1. Detail of Services

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/api-services/{slug}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Auth User Services

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/services?limit={number}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    Key Value Message
    limit number Will list the number of services

    Common API’s for Select Values/Id (for dropdown)

    Key Value Message
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization {auth_token} After login the login api gives you to a auth token as well.Get your auth token from login or register api.
    1. Get Currencies

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/currencies
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Account Type

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/account-type
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Industry Type

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/industry-type
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Category List

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/list-category
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Subcategory List

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/list-subcategory?limit=10&category_id=1
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    Key Value Message
    limit number Will list the number of subcategories
    category_id Integer For which category do you want the list of subcategories
    1. States

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/states/{country_id}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Countries

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/countries
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Deal Type

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/deal-type
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Lead Type

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/lead-type
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Lead Source

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/lead-source
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. Units

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/units
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used
    Dashboard Purposes

    1. Auth User Profile

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/profile
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. User Company

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/auth/company
    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used

    1. User Product

    Method: GET
    URL: {url}/api/v1/auth/product?limit={number}

    Headers: Content-Type and Authorization used